27 Luglio 2024
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  1. Invest your Talent in Italy (IYT)

08-02-2023 16:45 - News
In view of the interest you have shown in our university over the past months, we would like to inform you that the new calls for admission to master's degree courses reserved for international students are now online:

  1. Department of Engineering for Innovation
    "Admission of international students (Extra-EU) to the Master's degree courses of the Department of Engineering for Innovation (a. y. 2023-2024)"
    - To apply for admission following the step-by-step instructions go to the dedicated section on our international website.
    Deadline 28 February 2023 - Interviews from 15 March 2023
  2. Department of Biology
    "Admission of international students (Extra-EU) to the Master's degree course in Coastal and Marine Biology and Ecology (a. y. 2023-2024)"
    - To apply for admission following the step-by-step instructions go to the dedicated section on our international websites.
    Deadline 28 February 2023 - Interviews from 8 March 2023

    Funding Opportunities
    Invest your Talent in Italy (IYT)
International students interested in attending one of the Master's degree courses above can benefit from a scholarship under the "Invest your Talent in Italy (IYT)" Programme.
The IYT call for applications is reserved exclusively for students permanently resident in the following countries:

Armenia, Azerbaijan, Brazil, China, Colombia, South Korea, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Tunisia, Turkey, Vietnam.

for more information -> https://international.unisalento.it/admission/scholarships-grants/invest-your-talent-in-italy

To apply for the scholarship -> https://investyourtalentapplication.esteri.it/SitoInvestYourTalentApplication/progetto.asp
(Deadline 24 February 2023)

Please note: You must submit two separate applications! One for the chosen Master's degree course, according to the instructions in the 2023/2024 Unisalento announcement (see above option 1 or 2), and one specifically for the Invest your Talent in Italy scholarship.

Unisalento4Talents 2023
The new Unisalento4Talents call for applications (a.y. 2023/2024) is now available!
(Official announcement page - Deadline 2 March 2023)

The Unisalento4Talents Programme is an initiative developed within the framework of the University of Salento’s internationalisation policies and aimed at increasing the number of international students.

The call for applications is therefore aimed at all international students who enrol in the 2023/2024 academic year as full-time students on two-year Master’s degree courses at the University of Salento. In the context of this Call, by International Student is meant any EU student (excluding any Italian citizen) and non-EU student residing abroad who has obtained a qualification valid for access to his/her chosen Master’s degree course in an institution outside the Italian system.

With the Unisalento4Talents Call 2022, 25 scholarships will be awarded to international students who intend to enrol on the following Master’s degree courses taught in English:
LM-6 Coastal and Marine Biology and Ecology
LM-27 Communication Engineering and Electronic Technologies
LM-31 Management Engineering
LM-53 Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology
LM-20 Aerospace Engineering

Selected students will be entitled to the following benefits:

Exemption from university fees, charges and the regional ADISU tax;
Free single or double room accommodation from the beginning of the first semester of the academic year 2023/2024 or, if the accommodation is not available, a scholarship of the value of €3000,00 per year that will be paid to the student monthly
Free Italian language course at the Centro Linguistico di Ateneo (University Language Centre);

To apply -> Unisalento4Talents call for applications (a.y. 2023/2024)

We would be happy to have you as our international student next year!

Fonte: Università Del Salento

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